Origin by Dan Brown

Book -  Origin by Dan Brown 
Genre -  Mystery/ Thriller 
Pages -  461 
My rating- 🌟🌟🌟

This is the fifth book in the Robert Langdon series.  Is it another marvel from Dan Brown ? My answer would be No. But people who are a fan of this genre should definitely give it a try because its entertaining.

One feature Of this author's work which I absolutely love is the minute intricate details he adds whilst describing the architecture and facts. Though this can be  quite frustating for those who want the story to move at a faster pace. 

This story revolves around a student of Robert Langdon who makes a scientific breakthrough which contests the existence of God and hence threatens each and every religion leading to their extinction. Due to some circumstances Langdon is forced to go against all odds and make this discovery public. So the plot is all about what this discovery is and how it affects mankind.

As always this book does have the potential to be made into a movie but unfortunately this is not the author's best work.

For buying Origin at the cheapest price in India click the following links:

Hardcover- https://www.amazon.in/Origin-Number-5-Robert-Langdon/dp/0593078756

Paperback- https://www.amazon.in/Origin-Robert-Langdon-Dan-Brown/dp/0552174165/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
